JIZ are John Gosling and Isabelle Saphiron
Featuring: -John Gosling as John Gosling -Isabelle Saphiron as Isabelle Saphiron
-Isis Nemrod as ladydeath and, -Tutankhamun, beetle-girl,toxic, haze warrior
-Darla Demonia as the head of the earth
-Astaroth as the Snake
-Jess No soul as the redhair drowning girl
-Diane Ottawa as Nefertiti, toxic haze warrior, Ophelia, entangled-girl, beetle-girl
Olivier Lelong drone-boy, dziga, dziga, dziga,kether, collage animation, razor blades
Christophe Chevallier drone-boy
Diane Ottawa kether, 3 headed snake animation, venerated muse
copyright 2019
production Diane Ottawa Olivier Lelong
“we love JIZ”